Visual Media Technologies

About Us

The Visual Media Technologies Co-Lab (VMC2) Research Lab belongs to the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts of the Cyprus University of Technology, and the CYENS Centre of Excellence . Research at the VMC2 lab focuses on developing novel and applied techniques driven by the need to improve the quality of life of humans.

Within this scope, research in this group targets the development of techniques that aim to:

Protect humans by offering novel ways to create safe environments both in physical and cyber spaces.

Allow humans to adapt in a better way to their environment by safeguarding their physical and mental safety, improving their productivity, and enhancing their overall experience.

The aforementioned topics are addressed through research and development in the areas of Biometrics, Computer Vision, Machine Learning and their combination with emerging technologies such as mobile computing, ubiquitous computing, Virtual and Mixed Reality.

The lab was first established in 2007 with the name “Image Processing and Synthesis Research Lab”. The initial set up of the lab was supported by a Cyprus University of Technology Start Up Research Grant awarded to the Lab Coordinator. In 2013 the lab was renamed to “Visual Media Computing Research Lab”. In 2024 the “Visual Media Computing Research Lab” of the Cyprus University of Technology was merged with the Biometrics for Smart Human-centred Emerging Technologies (BIO-SCENT) multidisciplinary research group of the CYENS Centre of Excellence.

Members of the Lab participated in several externally funded projects. These projects involve cooperation with local and international partners both from academia and industry.

In its current form Visual Media Technologies Co-Lab (VMC2) is a joined lab that operates both at the Cyprus University of Technology and the CYENS Centre of Excellence.

The VMC2 Lab is also part of the Social Computing Research Centre (SCRC) of the Cyprus University of Technology.
